Uploading to a remote RHQ server

The upload goal can be used when you need to push your freshly built plugin to a remote RHQ Server (integration tests, acceptance tests or production server).

By default, after the plugin is uploaded, it will trigger a plugin scan on the server. This can be configured with the startScan attribute.

If you want agents to get the plugin update right away, use the updatePluginsOnAllAgents attribute. Remind that this will make your agents' plugin containers restart.

Plugin Execution Sample

            <!-- Optional, defaults to http -->
            <port>7080</port> <!-- Optional, defaults to 7080 -->
            <!-- The user must have appropriate permissions (MANAGE_SETTINGS) -->
            <!-- Whether a plugin scan should be triggered on the server after upload. Optional, defaults to true -->
            <!-- Whether all agents should update their plugins. This will make your agents' plugin containers restart. Optional, defaults to false  -->
            <!-- Whether to wait for the plugins update requests to complete.. Optional, defaults to false -->
            <!-- Whether to fail the build if an error occurs while uploading. Optional, defaults to false -->