Setting up a test Plugin Container

Writing unit tests for your discovery and component classes is a good practice. You can do even better and write integration tests which will start a standalone plugin container.

The standalone plugin container needs to find:

  • the Platform plugin
  • your agent plugin
  • any other agent plugin your plugin is depending on
  • the native system information libraries (SIGAR)

The setup-test-plugin-container mojo will prepare what the standalone plugin container needs. By defaut, it creates a ${}/itest directory and copies the required plugins under ${}/itest/plugins and the native libraries under ${}/itest/lib.

You must configure the Maven Failsafe plugin to tell SIGAR where to find the libraries (org.hyperic.sigar.path system property, see example below).

TestNG sample

    public static final String PLUGIN_NAME = "TestPlugin";

    private static PluginContainer pluginContainer;

    private static PluginEnvironment pluginEnvironment;

    public void start() {
        File pluginDir = new File("target/itest/plugins");
        PluginContainerConfiguration pcConfig = new PluginContainerConfiguration();
        pcConfig.setPluginFinder(new FileSystemPluginFinder(pluginDir));
        pluginContainer = PluginContainer.getInstance();
        pluginEnvironment = pluginContainer.getPluginManager().getPlugin(PLUGIN_NAME);

    public void stop() {

    public void testNativeSystemAvailable() {
        SystemInfo systemInfo = SystemInfoFactory.createSystemInfo();
        assertTrue(systemInfo.isNative(), "Native system should be available");

    public void testPluginLoaded() {
        assertNotNull(pluginEnvironment, "Plugin not loaded");
        assertEquals(pluginEnvironment.getPluginName(), PLUGIN_NAME);

Plugin Execution Sample

        <!-- Tell Maven that this plugin will extend the standard lifecycle and packaging -->
        <!-- Without this the build fails to recognize the custom packaging -->
            <!-- Here comes the project manifest customization  -->

